Friday, December 16, 2011

Turing Church Online Workshop 2

In the picture above taken in teleXLR8 I am with Frank Tipler, in a preparation meeting for the Turing Church Online Workshop 2. I am a big Tipler fan, see for example Interview with Frank. J. Tipler (Nov. 2002), and Review of The Physics of Christianity, by Frank Tipler.

Frank gave a great talk at the Workshop (see also this video for the full Q/A session).

Quotes from Tipler’s talk and Q/A:

“If we don’t move into space, if we and our downloads and our art int siblings do not move into space, the entire biosphere is doomed. if we are so foolish as to remain on the planet earth then we and the entire biosphere will be annihilated. Fortunately I don’t expect this to happen, I expect that the human race and its artificial intelligences and downloads will eventually move out into space and ultimately take over the universe.”

“Everything can be reduced to the laws of physics, in particular to the laws of physics which we now know.”

He mentions that we are used to think that Newtonian physics has been superseded by general relativity and quantum mechanics, so we cannot rule out that the physics which we now know will be superseded by new physics, but he thinks general relativity and quantum physics are implied by Newtonian physics.

“Newton was correct!”

“General relativity is really Newtonian mechanics made consistent with the idea that the speed of light is the same for all observers, which is an automatic consequence of maxwell’s equations.”

“As it was proved by the great mathematician Elie Cartan in the 1920s, gravity is curvature for Newton also, and once you combine that with the insights of Enstein and Lorentz then the Newtonian equations automatically become the Einstein equations.”
Ref.: General Relativity As an Aether Theory,

“Quantum mechanics really is a subset of Newtonian mechanics in its most general form called Hamilton-Jacobi theory, that means there was no scientific revolution in the 1920.”
Ref.: Hamilton-Jacobi Many-Worlds Theory and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle,

“We already have a theory of everything.”

“Reality is deterministic.”

“There are parallel universes out there. Many world, many universes, is already built into the laws of physics, was in the laws of physics in the early 19th centuty, physicists would just not admit what their own equation were screaming at them.”

He says that lack holes cannot evaporate because of unitarity, but in an ever expanding universe they would necessarily evaporate, which would violate the laws of physics.

He concludes that it is not possible for the universe to expand forever, it must eventually expand to a max size and then re-contract. but this would also lead to contradictions with thermodynamics. Only one possible re-contraction mechanism is consistent with all the laws of physics:

“Intelligent life manipulating the entire universe, forcing it into a series of patterns that allow this intelligent life to continue to exist.”

“Only this makes the laws of physics mutually consistent.”

“The laws of physics have dictated that we will survive.”

“If the laws of physics are for us, for the biosphere, for the eventual existence of human downloads and the eventual exist of artificial intelligence, what on earth can be against us. Inevitably we will take over the entire universe.”

“As we approach the final singularity, the laws of physics also dictate that our knowledge and computing capacity is expanding without limits. Eventually it will become possible to emulate, to make a perfect copy of, every previous state of the entire universe.”

“We will be brought back into the future, brought back into existence as computer emulations in the far future.”

“Since the computer capacity must by the laws of physics expand without limits as we are going into the final singularity, that means these emulations can also continue to exist forever and also interact with the various versions of themselves.”

“When we emulate basically all possibilities consistent with the laws of physics, we will actually get the particular one of you and I which are actually here in this auditorium.”

“These all possibilities are already there currently. This is called the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, but I claim it is not one interpretation, it is really the only interpretation consistent with the laws of physics.”

In the Q/A

“The expansion of the universe will be turned off by our human download descendants plus our artificial intelligence siblings.”

“The universe cannot expand forever because this would be inconsistent with the laws of physics.”

“What the mathematics is telling us is that actually there are three singularities out there, a final singularity, an initial singularity, and a third singularity, which you can see only if you look at the universe from the multiverse point of view, which connects the other two. So, really you have got three singularities, which, you can show mathematically, are one and the same. So, we have in other words a tri-une God, a God who is three but is one.”

“Christianity can be experimentally confirmed.”

The other speakers, James Hughes, Martine Rothblatt, Remi Sussan, Lincoln Cannon, Brent Allsop, Dan Massey, Mike Perry, Andrew Warner, Fred & Linda Chamberlain, and Ben Goertzel, gave great talks. The full videos of all talks and Q/A sessions are available online. The Workshop explored transhumanist spirituality and “Religion 2.0″, the convergence of science and religion, highly imaginative future science and technologies for resurrection, emerging science and technologies for immortality, social and memetic engineering. It was held on December 11, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the death of my mother, and I cannot think of a better memorial.

I could not deliver my own talk because my Internet connection was vary bad (it has been very bad for a few weeks after a power surge that must have damaged something in the router). The slides of my presentation are below.

The Turing Church Online Workshop 3 will be held in the winter of 2012 and focus on the elusive concepts of time scanning and resurrection by copying-to-the-future, often called Quantum Archaeology.


  1. Thank you for making me aware of these videos, Mr. Prisco. You're right, the talk by Prof. Tipler is great. I also remember the interview you did with Tipler, wherein Tipler spoke about his article "Genesis: How the Universe Began According to Standard Model Particle Physics", which (I believe) is the first article where Tipler took the standard quantum gravity theory and developed it further with the Omega Point boundary condition (pp. 27-29), which he would later publish in more detail in his 2005 Reports on Progress in Physics paper.

    Regarding this topic, I recently wrote the below article on Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and its theological and social implications which you and others might be interested in:

    James Redford, "The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything", Social Science Research Network (SSRN), December 22, 2011 (orig. pub. December 19, 2011), 185 pp. ,

    If anyone so wishes, then I welcome any feedback or corrections (my email address is in the article).

    I'm sorry about your mother, Mr. Prisco. Although if the known laws of physics (i.e., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics) are correct--and Tipler gives good reasons for thinking that they are in his talk which you link to, i.e., that modern physics continue firmly in the Newtonian paradigm but with minimal modification per the requirement of mutual logical consistency--then we'll all have the opportunity to reunite with all our loved-ones.

  2. Thanks James for posting the link to your interesting article. I will read it carefully.

    Re "we'll all have the opportunity to reunite with all our loved-ones" --- I think this is a possibility, with the caveat that our intuitive concept of self may have to be appropriately redefined.

    I will post later some quotes from Frank Tipler's talk.

  3. I added some quotes from Frank Tipler's talk to the post.
